Tuesday 18 May 2010

Thank you! 735 times, from Geoff Outram.

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me in the Silverwood Ward, all 735 of you!

This Ward covers Ravenfield, Hooton Roberts, parts of Bramley, Sunnyside/Woodlaithes, Kilnhurst, Thrybergh and Rawmarsh.

The result is encouraging for a first timer who isn't selected or supported by a major party and only been on the scene for a few months.

After taking a a four week breather to catch up with other work, I will be concentrating on increasing my support next year by engaging with the many different Ward areas and continuing my conversation with the people of Silverwood Ward.

The geographic's of our ward is a challenge with diverse needs and aspirations. A challenge I look forward to.

Many thanks once again.

Geoff Outram

Friday 12 March 2010

Introducing, Geoff Outram - Rotherham Independents candidate for Silverwood Ward

Geoff Outram
Independent Candidate
Silverwood Ward


A town council fit for purpose where the electorate are the main stakeholders not the Labour party, which have disconnected the people of Rotherham from accountable and transparent decisions that affect our lives.

Central Government and unelected quango’s like Regional Assemblies starve local people of power to change things as they see fit.

 Local Government must be the servant to our needs not the master.

We not only need a diverse local economy we also need diversity of thought. This requires a skilled mind set, conscious of local needs, not robotic action dictated by party dogma.


There are over 2,000 Independent Local Councillors in England and Wales, operating successfully. We need Independents in Rotherham putting people before party, washing away the pollution and stench of personal and political gain.

The integrity of Local Government is at stake.

As a Independent Councillor I will respect you, include you and engage with everyone, dictating to no one.

The elderly and vulnerable have taken a real bashing the last few years under the present Council.

It’s now time to bash the Council.
